Fuel Polishing Services
Diesel fuel is liable to deteriorate over the natural course of time. In doing so, it gradually leaves sediment in a diesel generator’s tank. Field Engineering supply Fuel polishing services to restores your diesel to optimum condition, removing all fuel contaminants. Without regular fuel cleaning, your generator’s power will be reduced, the filters and pistons will become clogged and you may even suffer a complete generator failure and need to have expensive repairs to your backup power system.
Water, usually appearing as condensation, is the most likely fuel contaminant. In itself, it can affect the power output of a diesel generator, but it also encourages micro bacterial growth in the fuel tank. The microbes feed on the diesel and their waste leaves additional sludge in the bottom of the tank and particles floating throughout
The fuel polishing is versatile fuel filtration system designed to deliver maximum performance within a compact footprint. Incorporating leading high capacity particulate filtration principals, both solid and bacterial contaminants are removed from your fuels with ease. High performance, low cost filter cells ensure cleanliness levels of ISO 18/16/13 or better and make this the ultimate entry-level fuel filtration system on the market.
It takes only a few months for fuel sitting idle to begin to deteriorate.
With regular fuel polishing, all traces of contamination – all the sludge, water, and bacterial growth along with any solids or debris in the fuel tank – are removed. After fuel polishing, the remaining diesel cab be treated with a chemical biocide to slow future bacterial growth.
If fuel is left too long without being filtered and cleaned, it can need replacing entirely, Regular fuel polishing eliminates the need to spend extra money on more diesel and prevent engine down time
Prevents build-up of sludge in the generator, fuel filters and pistons and removes all traces of contamination present in the fuel, re-optimising the fuel
Prevents water entering the generator fuel system
Ensures a more reliable standby power system
Simple, safe and cost-effective
Fuel samples prior and after polishing to prove condition of fuel
Fuel polisher has High volume dirt holding capacity to deliver ISO cleanliness codes of 18/16/13 or better
Fuel polisher has High performance Filtasorb2 inserts to achieve 100ppm or better to exceed EN590’s level of water content
Suitable for most diesel, kerosene, biodiesel (B100) and oil applications
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